About Ann Hazen
I grew up in the rural South where inequality, racism and injustice were blatant. Motivated to “do something about this” as an older teen, I moved to the east coast. At first I directed my efforts toward politics and social change, but soon experienced the futility of going outside myself to change or fix others. I also began to see that I had many of the same flaws I saw in them. I needed to start with myself.
So I was led to the question: what does it mean to heal; to be truly healthy? This was back in the late 60’s and early 70’s, a kind of golden age and flowering of many formers of alternative healing: Hakomi, Polarity, Rolfing, Chiropractic, Herbalism, Vegetarianism, and the like. As I read about and studied some of these – I formally trained in massage and Polarity Therapy – I felt that many had value and something to offer, but that what would be more powerful would be a system that allowed for some combination of many healing forces according to an individual’s particular needs.
This conviction led me to an alternative healer who had assembled an interesting version of self care that combined many of the aforementioned disciplines – incorporating both the physical and psychological. He taught me how he worked, and for close to 30 years, I worked within the context he set out. Then about 15 years ago, aware that there were very exciting developments in body-mind healing, especially the importance of assuring emotional safety, I renewed my explorations, informally with cranial sacral studies, and various psychological disciplines, including Gabor Maté’s Compassionate Inquiry, and two-chair dialoguing. I am now formally trained in Internal Family Systems (IFS) Level 1, Polarity Therapy Level 1, and Polarity Life Coaching.
I currently live in Erie, Colorado, where I have a home office and a small family business with my husband Jonathan Rogers. I continue to pursue my vision of helping clients to heal from the inside out, taking the best from the approaches I have encountered.
About Jonathan Rogers
My interest in the healing arts goes back to my teenage years on the farm where my family moved when I was 12. Fresh from the suburbs, I found myself faced with various routine duties and chores that were physically strenuous, and I quickly became interested in how to do them so as to not injure myself doing repetitive activity, and how to do it sustainably. Although I didn’t know it at the time, this was the beginning of a long journey that has landed me here and now in this healing practice with my partner and wife, Ann Hazen.
When I entered the workforce as a young adult, I was doing physical work, which additionally provided ample trial-and-error opportunities for me to learn – often the hard way – about my body, its limitations, and what does and doesn’t work in terms of musculoskeletal efficiency and harmony.
When at age 27 a nagging achilles tendon injury forced an early “retirement” from my career of seasonal farm work and odd construction jobs, I found myself in college, nine years out of high school. There I earned a BA in Counseling Psychology, and made plans for graduate school in psychology so I could train to be a therapist. But, as fate would have it, I became the father of twins, and this effectively put my career aspirations on hold. I returned to work as a carpenter and general contractor – work I’ve remained in for the last 30+ years.
I have known Ann in various contexts for a good part of those 30+ years. Although we are only recently married, we have been very close for most of that time. I have long been a fascinated observer of what she does, and throughout that time I have “picked up” a considerable amount of her knowledge and skill just thru association and osmosis. Additionally, her work provided me with invaluable help in negotiating my own aches and pains from my work as a full-time carpenter.
Gradually over time I became an informal assistant to her in a number of ways, but it wasn’t until we moved to our own place and got married that I realized I was ready to go back to the dream I had let go of so long ago, and take on serious training for a healing profession. This has been my next step, which has included formal training in IFS therapy and Polarity and Life Coaching work, as well as much study and practice of Ann’s work. And as my body becomes more reluctant to take on the rigors of full time construction work, I am finally taking the plunge to realize that dream: devoting my full attention and time to this wonderful work that Ann has learned, refined, and to a remarkable degree, created.